Make Money, What is your view like?
Have you ever gone to a place where you just felt like you were out of your league. Maybe it was a fancy restaurant. The kind that has about 10 different eating utensils. Maybe it was a high end resort motel or someone's house. Whatever, you just didn't feel comfortable. Why!? What is it that make's you feel weird? I was at Disney World recently and I watched this young couple go up to this restaurant. They were looking at the menu and the young lady was sharing with her husband all the great things that were on the menu. She was smiling, she was animated and excited. He had this look of half terror and half shame. Why? She was looking at the food descriptions and he was looking at the prices and trying to calculate the amount of overtime he would have to put in before he could pay for this meal. After she was done, he quietly had to point out the prices and he shaked his head and then she bowed her head and they both turned and walked away.
Make Money, Never let Money Stand In Your Way again
I was so sad for that couple. I wanted to run over there and hand them a couple of hundred and say "here go on in and enjoy yourself it's on me!" I didn't, because the truth of the matter is it really wouldn't have been as special as if they had the pride of providing that experience for themselves. Clearly they both wanted to go in and experience the joy of fine cuisine and beverages. They wanted to enjoy being taken care of by a wait staff that was professional and courteous. They wanted to see all the fine finishes that the owner of the restaurant installed for their beauty and ambiance. They couldn't, however, because money was the obstacle that was standing in their way. Has this happened to you. Have you felt the disappointment of not having what you really wanted or the shame of not being able to give something to your spouse or child because you didn't have the money?
Make Money and Change your Thoughts of Lack Today
We have the power to change our lives with the power of decision. If you make a conscious decision to have money and never allow anything in your life that deters you from having it, then you will. You see it wasn't money that was standing in the way of that young couple. No, it was the fact that they were constantly concentrating on their lack. I have found that when I finally make a decision to accomplish something in my life, no matter how hard it may be, I do. I do, because I do not allow outside factors cloud my vision. I focus on what I see in my mind's eye until I see it with my physical eyes. This is called faith. +Anthony Robbins, talks about this very thing in his book called Awakening the Giant Within. I highly recommend it.
Change Your View by Changing your Thoughts
What is your view like today. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you struggling daily to keep a roof over your head? Do you have a job that you hate so much that you are depressed just being there to the point where you feel physically sick. Change your view by changing your thoughts. Make a decision today!

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