They place ads at the bottom or side of your post. They pay you based on the clicks you receive on those ads.
Another blog platform that I utilize is Live Journal. I like their site because it allows you to connect to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others. It is an automated process that does not require you to actually initiate the contact. It is done for you. I also use a word press blog as it will automatically ping the search engines so that as the content of the blog becomes large enough to start ranking on the search engines it will start to draw more attention.
Twitter is all about repetition so I don't rely on the Live Journal alone to draw attention to my blog. I will go into twitter several times a day and invite people to visit my blog. The more followers you have the more people will see your message. Also, when tweeting make sure you use a catchy title. Don't just ask people to look at it.
FB is a little tricky. I don't leave my link on it a lot. I have the link of my blog included in the posts that go on my FB page. I don't leave a lot of links because one, people will get sick of it and un-friend you and two, FB will actually shut down your account if you do it too much. I just refer to my blog when I am chatting with my friends, if they are curious they can go and check out my wall to see what it is all about.
This method of using social media is referred to as viral blogging. I really think it is an effective way of bringing awareness to what it is you are writing about. Also, you want to make sure that you are giving back to the community that you are promoting to. Helping out other people that are doing what you are doing is a great way to give back. For instance, on twitter their are thousands of people that promote their goods and services. I like to check out what they are selling and then give a shout out to my followers about what I just saw on my neighbors page. That helps my neighbor and it also improves my Klout score.
Another way to promote your blog is to do a You Tube video. You simply shoot a video about yourself and what you are promoting and then embed a link to your blog on the video. Again you want to use a highly searched key word series so that when people are looking for what it is your promoting they will be able to find you. If you would like to learn more about "how to Use the Internet to #make #money" feel free to sign up for my video series. Just click the picture below.

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