In the internet marketing business there are many resources that we have at our disposal to reach out to people throughout the world. Sometimes we as marketers take a shot gun approach instead of analysing who our target market is and what it is they want. By asking a few simple questions we can narrow down to who it is we should be marketing.
What kind of people are you trying to reach? As a network marketer and business person, at this point, you should already know the type of people that your services are directed to. You see them constantly, they are usually in contact with you, and that will tell you what kind of person they are and how you can treat
them. That being said, if you look at your business from a historical perspective you can break down certain demographics. For instance, age, sex, country of origin, education, and yearly income. You can also break them down the demographics from source. What list generated the most interest? Did they originate from a FB page or was it a banner ad. This type of information will help you determine your target market.
What are they looking for? What is the final goal they are after based on the service you provide? What feeling are they trying to reach with it? Do they need it to feel happy or safe? Are they looking for an alternate lifestyle? Do they need it to survive? When you are targeting your demographic maybe these are the questions your marketing should answer.
What do you actually do for them? Are you offering your clients or members the opportunity to improve their lives or their businesses? What is your vision?
What kind of information would they be interested in knowing and pay for? You already know the needs of your customers; you know exactly what kind of information will be highly helpful to them in order to help them to satisfy those needs. Now match those needs with what your products and tools offer.
How would they like to reach that content?Is it Video, Audio, Written, or Blogging? This is important to know. You may just think about it. Think on their limitations to read, hear, watch or use the computer. If they can do all those things then you can just ask them.
What are your competitors offering to your audience? In the marketing world it is very important to study the competition that targets your exact audience. What do they generally offer? What things do they offer that you don’t? Do they have more clients? Do they work additional hours? Do they cover a lot more needs than you?
Can you offer a better service/product than your Competitors? Once you know everything about your successful competitors, don’t just offer the same thing. Use your personal touch plus a lot more great things that they are not offering. You can have special offers, free samples, free call consultation, special discounts, etc.
When you do your marketing ask yourself these questions and then make money using the internet. If this was helpful please feel free to +1 this article. If you would like more information about what I do feel free to sign up for my email and video series by clicking the link below.
I am dedicated to giving you tools that you can use day in and day out to be a successful internet marketer. In my blog I talk about the mindset you need to establish an online business. Also, I will give you practical step by step tips to help you make money on the internet!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
How Can I Make Money, Use Social ADR
Make Money, Social ADR Product Review
If you have ever read my blog you know I don't do product reviews at all. I keep my focus on my business and that is it. I was trying to get more traffic to my this blog and my mentor +Mike Hobbs suggested Social ADR as a way to build back links to your website. I have been writing articles at the different Ezines sites in an effort to build these back links like most people do. Also, went to the different bookmark sites to build links that way. I of course continue to use social media and post my links whenever appropriate but I still was not getting enough of the traffic to my site to help me make money. Worst of all I was spending hours and hours doing it! So I took my mentors advice and I hired these guys.
Make money, Social ADR Actually Works!
I have spent a lot of money over the years on crap that does not work. There are usually a lot of promises and no actual results. These guys do what they say they are going to do. Best of all, it is completely automated. I don't have to do anything accept pay them of course. I then log on to there website put the url in that I want them to promote. Fill out a small form that provides a message that I want linked to my website and then they take care of the rest. They use a combination of microblogging on all the social media sites and automated bookmarking on all the bookmarking sites to produce a constant flow of traffic. My traffic has gone up 300% in the last two weeks. That is why I am endorsing them. Now all I have to do is blog, make money and be happy! Don't get me wrong, if all you had to do to make money on the internet was hire these guys, then we would all be millionaires! What they do is take the back link building function of SEO off of your hands so that you can concentrate on what you do best.
Make Money, Social ADR is not back link buying it is back link building!
I want to make this point perfectly clear. You will not be buying back links. I personally know that buying back links to build traffic is a bad idea. Links have to be placed in a natural way. If all the sudden you have 500 links to your site, the search engines will shut you down. This especially true if your site is fairly new. If your site is already established and what is referred to as an authority site then you can absorb the 500 links without damage. Social ADR will build links to your site at a natural pace that will create a source of endless traffic.
If you would like to get more traffic to your site using Social ADR I have negotiated a deal with Social ADR to allow you to start their service for only $1. But only through this website. SO IF YOU WANT MONSTER TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW NOW!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Make Money By Changing Your Mind's Eye View
Make Money, What is your view like?
Have you ever gone to a place where you just felt like you were out of your league. Maybe it was a fancy restaurant. The kind that has about 10 different eating utensils. Maybe it was a high end resort motel or someone's house. Whatever, you just didn't feel comfortable. Why!? What is it that make's you feel weird? I was at Disney World recently and I watched this young couple go up to this restaurant. They were looking at the menu and the young lady was sharing with her husband all the great things that were on the menu. She was smiling, she was animated and excited. He had this look of half terror and half shame. Why? She was looking at the food descriptions and he was looking at the prices and trying to calculate the amount of overtime he would have to put in before he could pay for this meal. After she was done, he quietly had to point out the prices and he shaked his head and then she bowed her head and they both turned and walked away.
Make Money, Never let Money Stand In Your Way again
I was so sad for that couple. I wanted to run over there and hand them a couple of hundred and say "here go on in and enjoy yourself it's on me!" I didn't, because the truth of the matter is it really wouldn't have been as special as if they had the pride of providing that experience for themselves. Clearly they both wanted to go in and experience the joy of fine cuisine and beverages. They wanted to enjoy being taken care of by a wait staff that was professional and courteous. They wanted to see all the fine finishes that the owner of the restaurant installed for their beauty and ambiance. They couldn't, however, because money was the obstacle that was standing in their way. Has this happened to you. Have you felt the disappointment of not having what you really wanted or the shame of not being able to give something to your spouse or child because you didn't have the money?
Make Money and Change your Thoughts of Lack Today
We have the power to change our lives with the power of decision. If you make a conscious decision to have money and never allow anything in your life that deters you from having it, then you will. You see it wasn't money that was standing in the way of that young couple. No, it was the fact that they were constantly concentrating on their lack. I have found that when I finally make a decision to accomplish something in my life, no matter how hard it may be, I do. I do, because I do not allow outside factors cloud my vision. I focus on what I see in my mind's eye until I see it with my physical eyes. This is called faith. +Anthony Robbins, talks about this very thing in his book called Awakening the Giant Within. I highly recommend it.
Change Your View by Changing your Thoughts
What is your view like today. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you struggling daily to keep a roof over your head? Do you have a job that you hate so much that you are depressed just being there to the point where you feel physically sick. Change your view by changing your thoughts. Make a decision today!

Monday, August 5, 2013
How Can I Use the Internet to Make Money, Use Social Media To Create a Viral Super Blog
One of the reason's that I use blogger to write this blog is that it is tied to Google plus. Which is of course a social media platform. It is a great way to get your message out and at the same time meet new like minded people. Google allows your post to be ranked without the traditional SEO process. That is provided that you have used a good "key word title". You are also able to monetize your site by using their AdSense program.
They place ads at the bottom or side of your post. They pay you based on the clicks you receive on those ads.
Another blog platform that I utilize is Live Journal. I like their site because it allows you to connect to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others. It is an automated process that does not require you to actually initiate the contact. It is done for you. I also use a word press blog as it will automatically ping the search engines so that as the content of the blog becomes large enough to start ranking on the search engines it will start to draw more attention.
Twitter is all about repetition so I don't rely on the Live Journal alone to draw attention to my blog. I will go into twitter several times a day and invite people to visit my blog. The more followers you have the more people will see your message. Also, when tweeting make sure you use a catchy title. Don't just ask people to look at it.
FB is a little tricky. I don't leave my link on it a lot. I have the link of my blog included in the posts that go on my FB page. I don't leave a lot of links because one, people will get sick of it and un-friend you and two, FB will actually shut down your account if you do it too much. I just refer to my blog when I am chatting with my friends, if they are curious they can go and check out my wall to see what it is all about.
This method of using social media is referred to as viral blogging. I really think it is an effective way of bringing awareness to what it is you are writing about. Also, you want to make sure that you are giving back to the community that you are promoting to. Helping out other people that are doing what you are doing is a great way to give back. For instance, on twitter their are thousands of people that promote their goods and services. I like to check out what they are selling and then give a shout out to my followers about what I just saw on my neighbors page. That helps my neighbor and it also improves my Klout score.
Another way to promote your blog is to do a You Tube video. You simply shoot a video about yourself and what you are promoting and then embed a link to your blog on the video. Again you want to use a highly searched key word series so that when people are looking for what it is your promoting they will be able to find you. If you would like to learn more about "how to Use the Internet to #make #money" feel free to sign up for my video series. Just click the picture below.
They place ads at the bottom or side of your post. They pay you based on the clicks you receive on those ads.
Another blog platform that I utilize is Live Journal. I like their site because it allows you to connect to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others. It is an automated process that does not require you to actually initiate the contact. It is done for you. I also use a word press blog as it will automatically ping the search engines so that as the content of the blog becomes large enough to start ranking on the search engines it will start to draw more attention.
Twitter is all about repetition so I don't rely on the Live Journal alone to draw attention to my blog. I will go into twitter several times a day and invite people to visit my blog. The more followers you have the more people will see your message. Also, when tweeting make sure you use a catchy title. Don't just ask people to look at it.
FB is a little tricky. I don't leave my link on it a lot. I have the link of my blog included in the posts that go on my FB page. I don't leave a lot of links because one, people will get sick of it and un-friend you and two, FB will actually shut down your account if you do it too much. I just refer to my blog when I am chatting with my friends, if they are curious they can go and check out my wall to see what it is all about.
This method of using social media is referred to as viral blogging. I really think it is an effective way of bringing awareness to what it is you are writing about. Also, you want to make sure that you are giving back to the community that you are promoting to. Helping out other people that are doing what you are doing is a great way to give back. For instance, on twitter their are thousands of people that promote their goods and services. I like to check out what they are selling and then give a shout out to my followers about what I just saw on my neighbors page. That helps my neighbor and it also improves my Klout score.
Another way to promote your blog is to do a You Tube video. You simply shoot a video about yourself and what you are promoting and then embed a link to your blog on the video. Again you want to use a highly searched key word series so that when people are looking for what it is your promoting they will be able to find you. If you would like to learn more about "how to Use the Internet to #make #money" feel free to sign up for my video series. Just click the picture below.

Thursday, August 1, 2013
Create Wealth by Listening to the Right Voices
The world is full of influences. We are constantly bombarded by information through television, radio, friends, coworkers, spouses and family. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is happy to share it. Sometimes it is easy to get confused as to who to listen to. So I have to ask myself who is it I want to be? Can the influences in my life help me get there? If they can't then who can?
Who you want to be is up to you. Defining your self is a process that takes you sitting down alone and writing out your goals. Short term, long term and day to day. You need to script your life and then surround yourself with the people that represent what and who you want to be. Most of the time these people are not in your social circle. Why because they also surround themselves with people they want to be. Have your heard the saying that if you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people? When I go to hear a person speak I am often listening to who they most often quote. Those quotes typically will represent that person's source of influence.
The best way to get your self surrounded by successful people is by listening to positive speakers through audio and through the written word. There are thousands of self help books written by various writers out there today. I suggest going online to the library or Amazon. Down load a few and find an author that best represents who you want to be. Read their work everyday and listen to their tapes everyday. That way you can keep a steady stream of positive influences to ward off the attacks of negative influences we encounter from day to day.
Another way is to join groups of people that represent who you want to be. Their are tons out there as well. There are networking groups, business groups, social groups, and philanthropic groups. These groups can exist online or in person. Make sure that you get active in a group like this as well. I have a group that is both a positive business group and a money making opportunity. If you don't have one now feel free to check mine out. Click the link below.
Who you want to be is up to you. Defining your self is a process that takes you sitting down alone and writing out your goals. Short term, long term and day to day. You need to script your life and then surround yourself with the people that represent what and who you want to be. Most of the time these people are not in your social circle. Why because they also surround themselves with people they want to be. Have your heard the saying that if you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people? When I go to hear a person speak I am often listening to who they most often quote. Those quotes typically will represent that person's source of influence.
The best way to get your self surrounded by successful people is by listening to positive speakers through audio and through the written word. There are thousands of self help books written by various writers out there today. I suggest going online to the library or Amazon. Down load a few and find an author that best represents who you want to be. Read their work everyday and listen to their tapes everyday. That way you can keep a steady stream of positive influences to ward off the attacks of negative influences we encounter from day to day.
Another way is to join groups of people that represent who you want to be. Their are tons out there as well. There are networking groups, business groups, social groups, and philanthropic groups. These groups can exist online or in person. Make sure that you get active in a group like this as well. I have a group that is both a positive business group and a money making opportunity. If you don't have one now feel free to check mine out. Click the link below.

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