I am dedicated to giving you tools that you can use day in and day out to be a successful internet marketer. In my blog I talk about the mindset you need to establish an online business. Also, I will give you practical step by step tips to help you make money on the internet!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Make Money By Following these 6 Steps
Make Money by Setting Up Your Social Media Accounts
Social Media is a crucial part of online marketing. The more accounts you have the more you can bring attention to your offering. I would suggest starting with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin. These are the top 5 social media sites. Each one has their own rules of engagement and they are serious about them. Facebook will not allow you to friend more than 5 people a day without putting a ban on your account. Twitter will not allow you to follow more than a 100 people in a day without suspending your account entirely. Google+ will just stop you from following more than 100 people in a day. They don't penalize you. G+ to me is the most user friendly once you get to know it. Be creative in using social media to your advantage but respect the function of social media which is to be social. When using social media make sure that you are adding value to the arena. Don't just put out a constant sales pitch. People will not put up with it and pretty soon you will have no one to send your messages to.
Make Money by Setting up Forum Memberships
Sounds weird huh? Just about every forum has a signature tag. When you post to the forum you will be posting your name and your website url. So have as many forums to participate as you can. Participate is the key word. You have to have intelligent posts so that people will follow your links. The best thing to do is to start a thread so that people will respond to your original post. That is prime real estate. Once you have established your forum memberships you just want to go back and participate from time to time to keep your url out there. Also, you can change your url to accommodate new blog post's or new sales funnels according to your need. It will always be out there on the internet so it is free advertisement. Make sure that when you are posting to these forums that you don't put your url in the posts. This is spam and it is considered rude in the internet world. The only time you put a url in a post, is if the url actually contains some form of value to the thread.
Make Money Blog
You can set a blog up through just about everywhere these days. Some are free to start. Some will charge you a fee. I would suggest that you pay for one and use the following to blog for free. They are as follows: www.blogger.com, http://www.livejournal.com, www.wordpress.com . Each of these free blogs are tied to a community that you can become involved in and promote your blog within that community. Blogspot is owned by google so you can tie your g+ account with every post. Also, google will rank you pretty high if your SEO is on point. Blogspot has it's own community as well. I suggest Host Gator for your paid blog just because they inexpensive, analytics are included in their tools and they are dependable. The free blogs are not owned by you and you are limited with what you can do with the template of the blogs. Also, there is a monetary value that is placed on the blog according to the popularity of the blog. So if you ever wanted to sell the blog you could. Don't use the same content on every blog. Repurpose your original content by changing up the title and reformatting. Duplicate content will confuse search engines which will cause your site to rank lower. Link all the blogs together by posting their links in the links section of the blog. Pick one to promote which will be your paid blog but have your sale funnel links on all of them, which you will include with the content. See my blogpost for more ideas on blogging after you have read this post.
Invite People Join Your Newsletter
Attached to your blog you will have an option to join your newsletter. Attach some offer that will allow them to gain an advantage by joining. This will be attached to an auto responder through a company called Aweber. You will pay a monthly fee to gain their services but you will be able to build an email list that you can use to market services and updates to your blog. You can automate the entire process through their service. Also, they have templates that you can use to set up that newsletter so they can gain value from their association to your site. This is a very powerful tool. The more that people get to know and trust you, the more they will buy from you.
Avoid Paid Advertising at First
Concentrate on putting out good content and establishing your social media infrastructure. It will take you about 6 to 12 months before you see significant traffic to your blog. If you keep following the above steps and try to put out new content in your blog daily, then it will come and it won't stop. Once the revenue comes in then you will reinvest the revenue into some paid advertisements like Facebook PPC and Solo ads.
Make Money by Monetizing Your Site
So if you are trying to monetize your website, you have to ask for the sale. You have to have a sales funnel that leads them to making a buying decision. So here is my call to action to you. I will provide a link below. If you are ready to take action that will put you on the path to creating active and passive income. If you are ready to be your own boss and create a secure financial future then click the link, put your best email address in and then sign up for your own business. Here is the link....Click Here!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Make Money by Never Giving Up
Some people never start. Some people never finish. Some people never give up! The people that never give up, we call them winners, dreamers or fools depending on what stage they are in their journey. Allow yourself to struggle, fail and stumble. Only through your personal pain can you experience victory.
Ready to start your personal journey to greatness....Follow Me!
Make It A Great Day!
Michael Smith
PS... Look at this tool too!
Ready to start your personal journey to greatness....Follow Me!
Make It A Great Day!
Michael Smith
PS... Look at this tool too!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Make Money, Get Determined
I wanted to put up this video because he makes one statement that was incredibly profound. When you read it tell me what you think!
Everyone can do this. Everyone can be rich too! Not Everyone will! Will You?....Click Here
Make It A Great Day!
Michael Smith
Everyone can do this. Everyone can be rich too! Not Everyone will! Will You?....Click Here
Make It A Great Day!
Michael Smith
Friday, September 27, 2013
Make Money by staying Motivated
Sometimes it’s hard to see opportunity when there is distress in the world… Watch this video by Tony on how to get over that today…
Click this link to see what our “100 Day Internet Success System” is all about… It’s YOUR TIME NOW!
Have a Great day!
Michael Smith
Work With Me...email me at myriches@aweber.com
PS...check out the new free google tool at http://www.nod3x.com
Click this link to see what our “100 Day Internet Success System” is all about… It’s YOUR TIME NOW!
Have a Great day!
Michael Smith
Work With Me...email me at myriches@aweber.com
PS...check out the new free google tool at http://www.nod3x.com
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Make Money By Creating These Traffic Bombs
Make Money, Meet The Press!
If you have a website that you are ready to start promoting then there are several things that you need to do. The first one is to develop a press release about your website and what it is all about. You want to make sure that the title of your press release has a keyword phrase that ranks well with google and is descriptive of what your site is all about. The second is to write a short entertaining description of what your site is all about and make sure you have your link included as well. You would then post that press release to these sites. which are www.pr-log.org , www.pressreleasespider.com , www.i-newswire.com, and www.free-press-release.com . These sites are high ranking and considered high authority. By doing this you will have created some back links and exposed your site to a lot of eyes.
Make Money and Be Social
Next thing you need to do is to submit you website to two social bookmark sites. They are www.onlywire.com and www.socialmarking.com . Submit your site title, description and web address to them and they will then send it to about a hundred bookmarking sites as well. Again, building back links and putting eyeballs on your site.
Make Money Blog
You want to create an account with blogger.com . Make the title of your blog the keyword phrase that you used in your press release. Then create a one page description of your website and post your link. Then submit your RSS feed of your blogger page to www.feedagg.com and www.feedbase.net. These two sites are also high authority sites and you now have two back links with your link on it.
Make Money Monetize your Website
Whatever your website is about let people get an opportunity to help you as well. Learn how you can make money doing what you love and having a life. Click on the link I will provide, place your best email address in the box and watch a short video about how to make money. I will send you followup information to your email that will help you evaluate your options. Click Here! or you can email me at myriches@aweber.com
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Make Money Using the Internet Now because You Won't Have A Choice Later

Make Money On the Internet
Today, with corporate down sizing on the rise, more and more older executives are finding themselves without a job. Cast aside so that younger and cheaper "new blood", can replace them, the older executives either opt for early retirement on a less robust retirement or start their own business. Many are trying their hand at being an entrepreneur for the first time. They are doing anything from investing in a franchise to being free lance business consultants. But not all older Americans are ready for that kind of leap. Consider those folks who are being down sized because their industry is being outsourced to another country. Many of these employees don't have the capital to invest in a franchise or have the contacts to go into consulting. They are older employees who's market ability is diminished. Also, ageism is a real hindrance to many of these Americans when faced with the fact that corporate America is looking for fresh faces to build their empires with. These older Americans are ill equipped and underfunded to face the challenges to of a new business startup. Happily there is another option. Start an online business! Click HereMake Money Get Educated
When it comes to having an online business most Americans don't have a clue. Resources are available, however, that will educate and encourage these Americans to get into a new game with great results! Internet marketing is only now being offered as a curriculum in some colleges but only in a small amount. Many of the entrepreneurs that have been using the internet to make money for years are finding a niche market in educating a public that is turning to the internet for answers. Two of these entrepreneurs are +David Wood and +David Sharpe. These two men founded an online business that launched in June 8th 2012. The product that they market is education. Specifically, they are teaching over 200,000 people how to start and be successful in a blogging platform business online. The message that these two men are communicating is that if you can master the information that they teach, you can literally market any business on the internet. Click Here
Make Money Get To Work
Some detractors try to imply that this business is some kind of scam. The proof, however, is in the pudding. It's hard to argue with the numbers. Thousands of people are making money on the internet using the techniques and technology that is offered by Empower Network. They are literally empowering people through their training to become online entrepreneurs. What is stopping you from stepping out of your comfort zone and getting trained up for a new career? It can't be money. Your monthly investment is only $25 dollars. Still skeptical? I don't blame you. I am going to provide you a link that I want you to click. Then I want you to put your email address in the box provided. Then I want you to listen to a short video about how these two men not only changed their lives but also the lives of thousands of other people as well. When you finish the video you will have an email in your inbox from one of the people who's life was forever changed. Here's the link...Click Here!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Make Money, Feed your Dreams with Love
Every living thing has the desire live it's life free. We humans have been given the distinct gift as children of God to create from our mind whatever destiny we choose. We are part of the divine spark of the creator that allows us to think of whatever we want and have it materialize right before our eyes. If we hold love, joy and laughter in our hearts then we will see a beautiful manifestation of that creation in our lives. If we hold fear, anger, and hate in our hearts then we will manifest something dark and ugly in our lives. To be free you must hold your dreams in your heart and feed them with the food of love daily. Hold them, meditate on them, and then leave them to God to fulfill and then watch what happens.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Make Money by Changing The Way You Think About Money
Money Is not the Root of All Evil
I think a lot of people feel that if you make a lot of money that you did it like this guy! As a guy that spent most of his career working for corporate America I can honestly say that I have felt that way in the past. But money is not evil. It does not make you a bad person for having it. Being poor doesn't mean your honest. Being poor means you ain't got no money. I hear people say "when I win the lottery I am going to ...." I don't hear people say "well when I own my own business I am going to be able to...." Making money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. People love to misquote the Bible to give them an excuse for being poor. I have never thought to myself that rich people are bad. I have thought to myself "wish I was one of them." Even that is weak though if you think about it. Let's stop wishing and let's start doing. I love to invest in the stock market. It is one of my passions. I have invested in my 401k throughout my career and when I left a job I would take the money in my 401k and convert it to an IRA. So I had a little money to invest. Since most of my career was spent in Financial services I learned a thing or two about investing. I am not ashamed to say that my hard work, knowledge and brain power has helped me earn a tidy little sum. Is it enough to retire on? No, but it is not anything to sneeze at either. Does it make me a bad person then that I was good at investing and profited? No.Make money by Embracing Money for What it is
Having money does not make you better than anyone else. Money is a tool that is necessary in providing the necessities your family needs and more importantly it provides freedom for your family. It gives you the freedom to buy the clothes you want to wear,eat the food you enjoy, provide the education you want for your kids and give you the life you want to lead. I have been very blessed in my life as I have worked to obtain the tools that I needed to create a good living for myself and my family. I also made sure that I married a true partner that has always given me the support that I needed to succeed. If you have seen my profile picture you can see that I am very proud of my family. My boys have been a true source of joy and sometimes frustration. My life has not been easy but I can truly say that I have made some good choices that has allowed me to be successful. The best choice that I have made is to quit taking what I am given and start demanding from my life a higher degree of success.
The Thirty Year Plan is a Loser
I think everyone is well aware of this. After the depression this country has just been through, everyone knows that working for corporate America is crap. I am 48 and my hair is almost white. I am 50 pounds over weight and frankly no one will pay me what I am worth. My blood pressure was through the roof and all I wanted to do was make a change in my life that would make me free. I have created a facebook page called "Be Free Network" at https://www.facebook.com/befreenetwork . I just started it so it doesn't look like much yet, but it is a page I am creating to reach out to people and help them BE FREE.
Get A New Plan
I got a new plan and you need one too! I found a group of people that have given me the tools to create unlimited income online at will. Are you ready? Here is what you will learn when you join. You will learn
1. How to get unlimited traffic to the websites that will be created for you. 2. You will learn how to convert that traffic to leads. 3. You will learn how to convert those leads into sales. All through a step by step system that you will learn through online tutorials and done for you automation. The only thing that you have to do is add elbow grease, your personality and story. Simple yes, easy no. It is a process that takes between 3 to 6 months before you see the 1k, 2k, 3k checks deposited automatically into your bank account. After that they will increase exponentially. Obviously this is not a get rich quick scheme. It is real work that gives you real earnings and the amount of work you put into it will determine how much money you will make. Sceptical? Let me prove it to you! Click on the link that I will give you, put your best email in the box so that we can email you the proof and watch a video about a guy that did exactly what we teach and then learn what happened after that. Here is the link....click here!
Also, after your done with the video come back to this webpage and go to my facebook page and like my page. Why? Well crap man I am going to make you rich, the least you could do is help me out!
Are you still here?!! Go to the link. You are not going to learn anything by surfing the net. Click on this link and get some answers! Here it is again. Click HERE!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Make Money by Doing These Three Things
Share Viral Content
We have so many stories circling around us that people are concerned about and are tuned into. This provides us as bloggers an immense opportunity to provide content on our blog that people are looking for and want. One of the tools you should download is a tool called Jing. It allows you to take screen shots of content and then paste that screen shot on your page. You would then create a link to that content you would like to share. Also, it can copy a video and then embed the video on your page. Why is that important? Well what if you were following something that was going viral on youtube? You can then take that content and post it on your blog and then write something on your blog about the content and then boom your done. You just shared content on your blog that was actually trending and then brought it to your blog.
Practice Bridge Marketing in your Blog
What is bridge marketing? It is the act of taking a story or content and bridging it to a product or service that is monetized. For instance, if I am blogging about cooking and recipes but I want to use that activity to make money, then I would create a bridge by saying something like "if you enjoy cooking and creating recipes like me and would like to get paid to do it then click on the following link to learn how you create an unlimited income while doing the thing you love". Click Here! The link would then bring the person to a squeeze page or capture page where they would learn about your business opp.
Use a call to action in your Blog
If your taking time and effort to create a blog chances are you are trying to make money. Make sure you are telling the reader how they can help you. Make sure that when you perform the call to action that you do it in three stages. For example," if you are tired of trading your precious life for dollars on a day to day basis, day after day, after day, only to find yourself old warn out and sick with just the hope living your golden years struggling to make ends meet then click on the link I will provide, put your email in the box provided, and sign up to launch yourself into a journey of freedom...click now! Again you want to tell people exactly what to do and how to do it in three stages. Why? There is a psychological connection that is created in a three step process that helps the reader feel comfortable taking that action.
Not sure if you are in the right business opportunity? Haven't made any money in spite of working hours and hours on your blog without anyone reading it? Click on the picture below and put your best email address in the box and sign up to receive my FREE video series that explains my winning system for making unlimited income.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Make Money, Ask yourself the right questions.
In the internet marketing business there are many resources that we have at our disposal to reach out to people throughout the world. Sometimes we as marketers take a shot gun approach instead of analysing who our target market is and what it is they want. By asking a few simple questions we can narrow down to who it is we should be marketing.
What kind of people are you trying to reach? As a network marketer and business person, at this point, you should already know the type of people that your services are directed to. You see them constantly, they are usually in contact with you, and that will tell you what kind of person they are and how you can treat
them. That being said, if you look at your business from a historical perspective you can break down certain demographics. For instance, age, sex, country of origin, education, and yearly income. You can also break them down the demographics from source. What list generated the most interest? Did they originate from a FB page or was it a banner ad. This type of information will help you determine your target market.
What are they looking for? What is the final goal they are after based on the service you provide? What feeling are they trying to reach with it? Do they need it to feel happy or safe? Are they looking for an alternate lifestyle? Do they need it to survive? When you are targeting your demographic maybe these are the questions your marketing should answer.
What do you actually do for them? Are you offering your clients or members the opportunity to improve their lives or their businesses? What is your vision?
What kind of information would they be interested in knowing and pay for? You already know the needs of your customers; you know exactly what kind of information will be highly helpful to them in order to help them to satisfy those needs. Now match those needs with what your products and tools offer.
How would they like to reach that content?Is it Video, Audio, Written, or Blogging? This is important to know. You may just think about it. Think on their limitations to read, hear, watch or use the computer. If they can do all those things then you can just ask them.
What are your competitors offering to your audience? In the marketing world it is very important to study the competition that targets your exact audience. What do they generally offer? What things do they offer that you don’t? Do they have more clients? Do they work additional hours? Do they cover a lot more needs than you?
Can you offer a better service/product than your Competitors? Once you know everything about your successful competitors, don’t just offer the same thing. Use your personal touch plus a lot more great things that they are not offering. You can have special offers, free samples, free call consultation, special discounts, etc.
When you do your marketing ask yourself these questions and then make money using the internet. If this was helpful please feel free to +1 this article. If you would like more information about what I do feel free to sign up for my email and video series by clicking the link below.
What kind of people are you trying to reach? As a network marketer and business person, at this point, you should already know the type of people that your services are directed to. You see them constantly, they are usually in contact with you, and that will tell you what kind of person they are and how you can treat
them. That being said, if you look at your business from a historical perspective you can break down certain demographics. For instance, age, sex, country of origin, education, and yearly income. You can also break them down the demographics from source. What list generated the most interest? Did they originate from a FB page or was it a banner ad. This type of information will help you determine your target market.
What are they looking for? What is the final goal they are after based on the service you provide? What feeling are they trying to reach with it? Do they need it to feel happy or safe? Are they looking for an alternate lifestyle? Do they need it to survive? When you are targeting your demographic maybe these are the questions your marketing should answer.
What do you actually do for them? Are you offering your clients or members the opportunity to improve their lives or their businesses? What is your vision?
What kind of information would they be interested in knowing and pay for? You already know the needs of your customers; you know exactly what kind of information will be highly helpful to them in order to help them to satisfy those needs. Now match those needs with what your products and tools offer.
How would they like to reach that content?Is it Video, Audio, Written, or Blogging? This is important to know. You may just think about it. Think on their limitations to read, hear, watch or use the computer. If they can do all those things then you can just ask them.
What are your competitors offering to your audience? In the marketing world it is very important to study the competition that targets your exact audience. What do they generally offer? What things do they offer that you don’t? Do they have more clients? Do they work additional hours? Do they cover a lot more needs than you?
Can you offer a better service/product than your Competitors? Once you know everything about your successful competitors, don’t just offer the same thing. Use your personal touch plus a lot more great things that they are not offering. You can have special offers, free samples, free call consultation, special discounts, etc.
When you do your marketing ask yourself these questions and then make money using the internet. If this was helpful please feel free to +1 this article. If you would like more information about what I do feel free to sign up for my email and video series by clicking the link below.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
How Can I Make Money, Use Social ADR
Make Money, Social ADR Product Review
If you have ever read my blog you know I don't do product reviews at all. I keep my focus on my business and that is it. I was trying to get more traffic to my this blog and my mentor +Mike Hobbs suggested Social ADR as a way to build back links to your website. I have been writing articles at the different Ezines sites in an effort to build these back links like most people do. Also, went to the different bookmark sites to build links that way. I of course continue to use social media and post my links whenever appropriate but I still was not getting enough of the traffic to my site to help me make money. Worst of all I was spending hours and hours doing it! So I took my mentors advice and I hired these guys.
Make money, Social ADR Actually Works!
I have spent a lot of money over the years on crap that does not work. There are usually a lot of promises and no actual results. These guys do what they say they are going to do. Best of all, it is completely automated. I don't have to do anything accept pay them of course. I then log on to there website put the url in that I want them to promote. Fill out a small form that provides a message that I want linked to my website and then they take care of the rest. They use a combination of microblogging on all the social media sites and automated bookmarking on all the bookmarking sites to produce a constant flow of traffic. My traffic has gone up 300% in the last two weeks. That is why I am endorsing them. Now all I have to do is blog, make money and be happy! Don't get me wrong, if all you had to do to make money on the internet was hire these guys, then we would all be millionaires! What they do is take the back link building function of SEO off of your hands so that you can concentrate on what you do best.
Make Money, Social ADR is not back link buying it is back link building!
I want to make this point perfectly clear. You will not be buying back links. I personally know that buying back links to build traffic is a bad idea. Links have to be placed in a natural way. If all the sudden you have 500 links to your site, the search engines will shut you down. This especially true if your site is fairly new. If your site is already established and what is referred to as an authority site then you can absorb the 500 links without damage. Social ADR will build links to your site at a natural pace that will create a source of endless traffic.
If you would like to get more traffic to your site using Social ADR I have negotiated a deal with Social ADR to allow you to start their service for only $1. But only through this website. SO IF YOU WANT MONSTER TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW NOW!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Make Money By Changing Your Mind's Eye View
Make Money, What is your view like?
Have you ever gone to a place where you just felt like you were out of your league. Maybe it was a fancy restaurant. The kind that has about 10 different eating utensils. Maybe it was a high end resort motel or someone's house. Whatever, you just didn't feel comfortable. Why!? What is it that make's you feel weird? I was at Disney World recently and I watched this young couple go up to this restaurant. They were looking at the menu and the young lady was sharing with her husband all the great things that were on the menu. She was smiling, she was animated and excited. He had this look of half terror and half shame. Why? She was looking at the food descriptions and he was looking at the prices and trying to calculate the amount of overtime he would have to put in before he could pay for this meal. After she was done, he quietly had to point out the prices and he shaked his head and then she bowed her head and they both turned and walked away.
Make Money, Never let Money Stand In Your Way again
I was so sad for that couple. I wanted to run over there and hand them a couple of hundred and say "here go on in and enjoy yourself it's on me!" I didn't, because the truth of the matter is it really wouldn't have been as special as if they had the pride of providing that experience for themselves. Clearly they both wanted to go in and experience the joy of fine cuisine and beverages. They wanted to enjoy being taken care of by a wait staff that was professional and courteous. They wanted to see all the fine finishes that the owner of the restaurant installed for their beauty and ambiance. They couldn't, however, because money was the obstacle that was standing in their way. Has this happened to you. Have you felt the disappointment of not having what you really wanted or the shame of not being able to give something to your spouse or child because you didn't have the money?
Make Money and Change your Thoughts of Lack Today
We have the power to change our lives with the power of decision. If you make a conscious decision to have money and never allow anything in your life that deters you from having it, then you will. You see it wasn't money that was standing in the way of that young couple. No, it was the fact that they were constantly concentrating on their lack. I have found that when I finally make a decision to accomplish something in my life, no matter how hard it may be, I do. I do, because I do not allow outside factors cloud my vision. I focus on what I see in my mind's eye until I see it with my physical eyes. This is called faith. +Anthony Robbins, talks about this very thing in his book called Awakening the Giant Within. I highly recommend it.
Change Your View by Changing your Thoughts
What is your view like today. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you struggling daily to keep a roof over your head? Do you have a job that you hate so much that you are depressed just being there to the point where you feel physically sick. Change your view by changing your thoughts. Make a decision today!

Monday, August 5, 2013
How Can I Use the Internet to Make Money, Use Social Media To Create a Viral Super Blog
One of the reason's that I use blogger to write this blog is that it is tied to Google plus. Which is of course a social media platform. It is a great way to get your message out and at the same time meet new like minded people. Google allows your post to be ranked without the traditional SEO process. That is provided that you have used a good "key word title". You are also able to monetize your site by using their AdSense program.
They place ads at the bottom or side of your post. They pay you based on the clicks you receive on those ads.
Another blog platform that I utilize is Live Journal. I like their site because it allows you to connect to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others. It is an automated process that does not require you to actually initiate the contact. It is done for you. I also use a word press blog as it will automatically ping the search engines so that as the content of the blog becomes large enough to start ranking on the search engines it will start to draw more attention.
Twitter is all about repetition so I don't rely on the Live Journal alone to draw attention to my blog. I will go into twitter several times a day and invite people to visit my blog. The more followers you have the more people will see your message. Also, when tweeting make sure you use a catchy title. Don't just ask people to look at it.
FB is a little tricky. I don't leave my link on it a lot. I have the link of my blog included in the posts that go on my FB page. I don't leave a lot of links because one, people will get sick of it and un-friend you and two, FB will actually shut down your account if you do it too much. I just refer to my blog when I am chatting with my friends, if they are curious they can go and check out my wall to see what it is all about.
This method of using social media is referred to as viral blogging. I really think it is an effective way of bringing awareness to what it is you are writing about. Also, you want to make sure that you are giving back to the community that you are promoting to. Helping out other people that are doing what you are doing is a great way to give back. For instance, on twitter their are thousands of people that promote their goods and services. I like to check out what they are selling and then give a shout out to my followers about what I just saw on my neighbors page. That helps my neighbor and it also improves my Klout score.
Another way to promote your blog is to do a You Tube video. You simply shoot a video about yourself and what you are promoting and then embed a link to your blog on the video. Again you want to use a highly searched key word series so that when people are looking for what it is your promoting they will be able to find you. If you would like to learn more about "how to Use the Internet to #make #money" feel free to sign up for my video series. Just click the picture below.
They place ads at the bottom or side of your post. They pay you based on the clicks you receive on those ads.
Another blog platform that I utilize is Live Journal. I like their site because it allows you to connect to FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and several others. It is an automated process that does not require you to actually initiate the contact. It is done for you. I also use a word press blog as it will automatically ping the search engines so that as the content of the blog becomes large enough to start ranking on the search engines it will start to draw more attention.
Twitter is all about repetition so I don't rely on the Live Journal alone to draw attention to my blog. I will go into twitter several times a day and invite people to visit my blog. The more followers you have the more people will see your message. Also, when tweeting make sure you use a catchy title. Don't just ask people to look at it.
FB is a little tricky. I don't leave my link on it a lot. I have the link of my blog included in the posts that go on my FB page. I don't leave a lot of links because one, people will get sick of it and un-friend you and two, FB will actually shut down your account if you do it too much. I just refer to my blog when I am chatting with my friends, if they are curious they can go and check out my wall to see what it is all about.
This method of using social media is referred to as viral blogging. I really think it is an effective way of bringing awareness to what it is you are writing about. Also, you want to make sure that you are giving back to the community that you are promoting to. Helping out other people that are doing what you are doing is a great way to give back. For instance, on twitter their are thousands of people that promote their goods and services. I like to check out what they are selling and then give a shout out to my followers about what I just saw on my neighbors page. That helps my neighbor and it also improves my Klout score.
Another way to promote your blog is to do a You Tube video. You simply shoot a video about yourself and what you are promoting and then embed a link to your blog on the video. Again you want to use a highly searched key word series so that when people are looking for what it is your promoting they will be able to find you. If you would like to learn more about "how to Use the Internet to #make #money" feel free to sign up for my video series. Just click the picture below.

Thursday, August 1, 2013
Create Wealth by Listening to the Right Voices
The world is full of influences. We are constantly bombarded by information through television, radio, friends, coworkers, spouses and family. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is happy to share it. Sometimes it is easy to get confused as to who to listen to. So I have to ask myself who is it I want to be? Can the influences in my life help me get there? If they can't then who can?
Who you want to be is up to you. Defining your self is a process that takes you sitting down alone and writing out your goals. Short term, long term and day to day. You need to script your life and then surround yourself with the people that represent what and who you want to be. Most of the time these people are not in your social circle. Why because they also surround themselves with people they want to be. Have your heard the saying that if you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people? When I go to hear a person speak I am often listening to who they most often quote. Those quotes typically will represent that person's source of influence.
The best way to get your self surrounded by successful people is by listening to positive speakers through audio and through the written word. There are thousands of self help books written by various writers out there today. I suggest going online to the library or Amazon. Down load a few and find an author that best represents who you want to be. Read their work everyday and listen to their tapes everyday. That way you can keep a steady stream of positive influences to ward off the attacks of negative influences we encounter from day to day.
Another way is to join groups of people that represent who you want to be. Their are tons out there as well. There are networking groups, business groups, social groups, and philanthropic groups. These groups can exist online or in person. Make sure that you get active in a group like this as well. I have a group that is both a positive business group and a money making opportunity. If you don't have one now feel free to check mine out. Click the link below.
Who you want to be is up to you. Defining your self is a process that takes you sitting down alone and writing out your goals. Short term, long term and day to day. You need to script your life and then surround yourself with the people that represent what and who you want to be. Most of the time these people are not in your social circle. Why because they also surround themselves with people they want to be. Have your heard the saying that if you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with successful people? When I go to hear a person speak I am often listening to who they most often quote. Those quotes typically will represent that person's source of influence.
The best way to get your self surrounded by successful people is by listening to positive speakers through audio and through the written word. There are thousands of self help books written by various writers out there today. I suggest going online to the library or Amazon. Down load a few and find an author that best represents who you want to be. Read their work everyday and listen to their tapes everyday. That way you can keep a steady stream of positive influences to ward off the attacks of negative influences we encounter from day to day.
Another way is to join groups of people that represent who you want to be. Their are tons out there as well. There are networking groups, business groups, social groups, and philanthropic groups. These groups can exist online or in person. Make sure that you get active in a group like this as well. I have a group that is both a positive business group and a money making opportunity. If you don't have one now feel free to check mine out. Click the link below.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
How to Use the Internet to Make Money, Computer Viruses Suck!
I do a lot of surfing on my computer. I like to check out different ideas about how to make money using the internet. I will go on You tube and classifieds just to see what other people are doing. Well while I have been doing all of this, somehow I picked up a virus. Now I am seriously paranoid about this kind of thing. So I ran all these scans and downloaded software and still was not able to kill this thing. I did everything I could think of to get rid of this thing. I finally decided that I am just not winning this battle. I don't know enough about them to really be effective in getting rid of them. So I had to find an expert to help me get rid of it.
That's how it is with trying to make money on the internet. There is so much misinformation and so many scams that you can't tell the good guys from the bad. I mean look at me. I got a virus from seeing what other people are doing online. That's why you have to find a good source and then stick with them. If you read this blog you know the source I am talking about. I know this company is a winner because well simply put they tell you the truth. I have always lived by the belief that you get what you pay for. What I pay for is access to good information and lots of it. I learn something new from the company every day about how I can work from home. I don't have to chase every new thing that comes down the pike because I have the best thing going right here. So if you would like to learn more about home based money making opportunities. Click on this link Show me the money to sign up for a free video series.
Friday, July 26, 2013
How to Use the Internet to Make Money, Breaking Free
Breaking Free from the Lines of Poverty!
Sociologist have been debating the causes of poverty for years. In some countries they say that it is lack of food or clean water. Some say that it is because of political oppression. I think these theories definitely have merit especially when you consider "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" theory.
But what about the poverty that we see in the United States. They have clean water. They have food. It may not be the most nutritious but it fills their bellies. They don't have political oppression. What then is their excuse? I have heard it said that the" rich get richer and the poor get poorer". It is the have's taking from the have not's. When I think of that argument I can see the merit in it as well. It is the typically the rich that have the capital to create businesses and provide jobs to the poor for a wage that is far less than what the owner will reap in profits. So the rich will get richer and the poor will continue to be poor if that is what they allow for in their dreams.
I believe that God has created every person with a great dream and a destiny to fulfill. It may not be always materialize in the way that we think.But it can happen according to his will if we let it. If we nurture it. I think of the young people I have met over the years. When you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, they typically have very lofty ideas and dreams that may or may not be achievable. So many times as adults we think " oh how silly, he is just being young or he is so stupid" I think that is a mistake. I think we should encourage the young to dream and to never discount their dreams. I think we as adults should dream and to never allow ourselves to discount our own dreams!
I was watching a You tube video about a singer that went on America's Got Talent in Britain. She was a short pudgy older women. Her hair and face were not what some would call "attractive". She was obviously feeling awkward and out of place. She was asked by the judges what is your dream? She said. "she wanted to make a living as a singer." They then asked, "Who do you want to be like?" and she mentioned some name's of singers she liked and respected. The crowd kind of grumbled and people rolled their eyes and laughed. They then said " well then go ahead" with a tone of disbelief and disrespect.The music started to play and she seemed to go to a place of power within herself. For when she opened her mouth and sang, it was like a new star was born. The beauty of her voice was so overwhelming that everyone's eyes and mouth's opened in utter disbelief. She went on to win the competition and put out several albums. Her name is Susan Boyle. She could have never gone to the audition. She could have heard the laughter and walked off the stage and never opened her mouth to sing. She could have let her dream die. But she didn't.
There are poor people because they have been lied to their entire lives. They have been told the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. They have been told that they would never be "anything" They have been told these lies and they have been reinforced by tragedy and want. They have allowed their dreams to die because their parents allowed theirs to die. Our children model our behaviors. They do not model our words. It's not enough to encourage your children. We have to be encouragement to our children.
WHY am I writing about this subject on a blog that is about #making money on the internet? I am writing about this because unless you can dream success into your life. Unless you can believe success into your life. You will never achieve success in your life! Start achieving success in your life by joining this community for free. Click the banner below to change your future!
Sociologist have been debating the causes of poverty for years. In some countries they say that it is lack of food or clean water. Some say that it is because of political oppression. I think these theories definitely have merit especially when you consider "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" theory.
But what about the poverty that we see in the United States. They have clean water. They have food. It may not be the most nutritious but it fills their bellies. They don't have political oppression. What then is their excuse? I have heard it said that the" rich get richer and the poor get poorer". It is the have's taking from the have not's. When I think of that argument I can see the merit in it as well. It is the typically the rich that have the capital to create businesses and provide jobs to the poor for a wage that is far less than what the owner will reap in profits. So the rich will get richer and the poor will continue to be poor if that is what they allow for in their dreams.
I believe that God has created every person with a great dream and a destiny to fulfill. It may not be always materialize in the way that we think.But it can happen according to his will if we let it. If we nurture it. I think of the young people I have met over the years. When you ask them what they want to be when they grow up, they typically have very lofty ideas and dreams that may or may not be achievable. So many times as adults we think " oh how silly, he is just being young or he is so stupid" I think that is a mistake. I think we should encourage the young to dream and to never discount their dreams. I think we as adults should dream and to never allow ourselves to discount our own dreams!
I was watching a You tube video about a singer that went on America's Got Talent in Britain. She was a short pudgy older women. Her hair and face were not what some would call "attractive". She was obviously feeling awkward and out of place. She was asked by the judges what is your dream? She said. "she wanted to make a living as a singer." They then asked, "Who do you want to be like?" and she mentioned some name's of singers she liked and respected. The crowd kind of grumbled and people rolled their eyes and laughed. They then said " well then go ahead" with a tone of disbelief and disrespect.The music started to play and she seemed to go to a place of power within herself. For when she opened her mouth and sang, it was like a new star was born. The beauty of her voice was so overwhelming that everyone's eyes and mouth's opened in utter disbelief. She went on to win the competition and put out several albums. Her name is Susan Boyle. She could have never gone to the audition. She could have heard the laughter and walked off the stage and never opened her mouth to sing. She could have let her dream die. But she didn't.
There are poor people because they have been lied to their entire lives. They have been told the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. They have been told that they would never be "anything" They have been told these lies and they have been reinforced by tragedy and want. They have allowed their dreams to die because their parents allowed theirs to die. Our children model our behaviors. They do not model our words. It's not enough to encourage your children. We have to be encouragement to our children.
WHY am I writing about this subject on a blog that is about #making money on the internet? I am writing about this because unless you can dream success into your life. Unless you can believe success into your life. You will never achieve success in your life! Start achieving success in your life by joining this community for free. Click the banner below to change your future!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
How to Use The Internet To Make Money, Watch what the leaders are doing...
I was listening to a training and their was something that struck me about what the trainer said, which I thought was odd and profound. He said when I became an online marketer, "I watched what the leaders in my industry were doing". He went on to say "I didn't listen to what they were saying because the truth is in their actions". Do you get that? He was saying that what some internet leaders are saying is different then what they are doing. Hmm.. for instance, if they are saying to go and make a list of your friends and family and talk to them about what your selling, why then is that leader talking to you? Are you his friend or family member? No, you are going to your friends and family members selling a bunch of stuff getting frustrated and broke and getting out. Meanwhile, the guy that told you to do this is making money off of your efforts while doing nothing.
If you are listening to someone and they say "#blog make money". Do they blog? If they say write enzine articles. Do they write? Do they at least pay someone to write for them? You have to be careful not to listen to what people say and pay close attention to what they do. Too many "gurus" position themselves as people of authority without actually performing the same task as they advise you to do. When you pick a mentor do it based on their success coupled with their actions.
Good luck and God Bless!
If you are listening to someone and they say "#blog make money". Do they blog? If they say write enzine articles. Do they write? Do they at least pay someone to write for them? You have to be careful not to listen to what people say and pay close attention to what they do. Too many "gurus" position themselves as people of authority without actually performing the same task as they advise you to do. When you pick a mentor do it based on their success coupled with their actions.
Good luck and God Bless!

Monday, July 22, 2013
How Can I Use the Internet to Make Money, Intentions
"What are your intentions" is a question usually asked by the father of the bride in a novel written in the" bye gone days". The question today is more universal. You see everything you do is centered around what you want or need in your life. If your mind is clear about what it is you want and if you can hold that intention in you mind daily through daily affirmation then you can literally have whatever you want. When I ask myself "what are your intentions" the answer is " I will make a million dollars a year." Is this your answer? If not why not? What prevents you from this lofty goal? Is it your job? Is it your industry? Is it the economy? What is your excuse?
You see there are:
That's right I was shouting that last part. You see right now you are reading this message that has been created from my mind. This message when written gives power to the reader. It sparks the creativity of the mind of the reader, which then generates a response. The response will be great or small depending on the mind of the reader .
Keep your intentions in your mind daily. Daily affirm for instance, it is July 24, 2014 I have just gone in my office to look at my bank account. I can smell breakfast cooking on the stove. The birds are singing. I am logging on to my bank account and I am seeing my account balance of 1 million dollars.
Keep your intentions in your mind daily. Daily affirm for instance, it is July 24, 2014 I have just gone in my office to look at my bank account. I can smell breakfast cooking on the stove. The birds are singing. I am logging on to my bank account and I am seeing my account balance of 1 million dollars.
If you can't see a million dollars in your near future, then I challenge you to look down this rabbit hole. If what your doing is living day to day, paycheck to paycheck, with no ultimate end in site, then you need to make a change. If you have been wishing you could win the #lottery so you can get out of the RAT RACE then it is time to make a change.
It is time to name your terms.

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